Cremation Caskets
Affordable alternatives for those choosing to have a gathering, visitation or celebratory service.
Simple and affordable caskets for cremation.
Along with the choice of cremation come several options. For many people, having a period of viewing, a gathering, or simply a few brief moments to say a last goodbye in one of our visitation rooms, is a personal (yet well-liked) choice that precedes cremation.
Our cremation and alternative caskets are designed to be simple and affordable. Further, our selection of cremation containers is clean-lined and unpretentious in construction and appearance. They are handsomely manufactured, devoid of any metal hardware, handles, hinges or sealing mechanisms. Whether you prefer a hardwood, veneer, fiberboard or merely reinforced cardboard, our selection has been honed in on the varied desires of this community.

If you decide to have a private, half-hour viewing or a more formal, public viewing, remember our cremation products will offer wise options, as well as, affordable sensitivity.
When considering cremation, bear in mind that a gathering, with your loved one present, provides an opportunity to have important, personal closure, while still honoring the wish of cremation. This option is many times a popular and preferred solution to a direct, no service cremation.
Affordable alternatives for those choosing to have a gathering, visitation or celebratory service.