Green / Natural Funeral Services
Perazzo Funeral Home Offers Eco-Sensitive Burial, Cremation and Funeral Services.
Eco-friendly funeral services.
Our funeral home is one of very few that offer green preparation and care of human remains, merchandise, products and burials.
As a member of the Green Burial Council since 2009, we support and advise families wishing to have a natural or eco-friendly funeral service.
Whether called earth-friendly, natural, green or eco-sensitive, our firm acknowledges individuals who have lived lives and held beliefs that the environment is a crucial priority to future generations.

With that in mind, we can suggest alternative methods for preparation of human remains, shrouds and other burial garments, and basic biodegradable coffins that are accepted by the Green Burial Council’s standards.
In the past few years, we have worked with the two closest green burial cemeteries: Greensprings Natural Burial Cemetery in Newfield, NY and Steelmantown Cemetery in Cape May County, NJ. These cemeteries uphold the idea of allowing death to initiate new life. The peaceful grounds are minimally maintained by hand, without any monuments, plaques or markers. Additionally, the cemeteries prohibit any embalming of human remains with formaldehyde-based chemicals, metal caskets, or outer interment / burial receptacles. Greensprings and Steelmantown are deeply appreciated by those who love endless fields and woods, and the quiet of nature.
Although each family may have unique wishes for a service of a loved one, we can assist in the many options available with a natural ceremony. Often requested with green services, is a simple graveside ceremony in a green-recognized cemetery. We can provide everything necessary including: the transfer of the remains into our care (from the place of death), basic services of the funeral director and staff, topical washing / disinfection, custodial (shelter) care, shrouding and / or placing remains into the coffin, transfer of the body to a green cemetery and required supervision / accompaniment of the funeral director to the cemetery.
Pricing information
Our funeral directors can provide pricing information to create a personalized and endearing tribute, to a lover of nature. As with any funeral home pricing, upon request, we can supply you with our General Price List. This will give you itemized costs associated with having a well-informed green service.