Cremation with Confidence® Guarantee
Our commitment to consumers guarantees the highest professional standards in cremation services.
The highest in cremation standards, guaranteed.
Perazzo is the exclusive provider of Cremation With Confidence in Manhattan. This ensures a commitment to consumers to maintain the highest professional standards in cremation services.
The preference for cremation disposition is growing rapidly year after year because families prefer the flexibility cremation affords them, and the thousands of dollars families can save in cemetery costs. But the opportunity to reduce death care costs does not mean the family is any less concerned about the care received by their loved one.

Our Cremation With Confidence 10-step process guarantees the utmost attention to detail, so families may be assured of the highest level of professionalism with which all cremations are performed.
Our 10-step process includes:
One: Code of Ethics
At Perazzo, we have a strict code of ethics and procedures we adhere to while your loved one is in our care. We only use crematories that we know and trust to uphold those ethical standards. As part of our procedures, only a licensed funeral director will accompany your loved one to the crematory. Once we are notified by the crematory that your loved ones ashes are ready, one of our staff will drive back to pick them up to ensure their safety at no cost to you. We never use the popular option of having them mailed back to the funeral home. We do this to ensure that your loved one is well cared for at all times, and to guarantee that the cremated remains you receive are those of your loved one.
Two : Safe guarding personal identity
Before cremation, your loved one will be in our care in a controlled environment. A personal identification band, to ensure security, is placed on your loved one at the moment your loved one is transferred to our care. Personal belongings, if released to us, are catalogued and placed in a secure area for their return to the family.
Three: Tracking system
Upon arrival, your loved one’s information is logged and assigned a funeral home file number. Our tracking system includes date and time of arrival at our facility, name of the licensed funeral director who brought your loved one to our facility, and date and time of delivery of your loved one to the crematory. Once your loved one is at the crematory, they are assigned an identification number, which is stamped into a stainless steel identification tag that will remain with them until the cremation process is complete.
Four: Identification
Before we take your loved one to the crematory, our staff will properly encase your loved one in the cremation container selected; then, based on the information provided by the family, we will verify the identity of your loved one by comparing identification bands from the hospital or nursing home. In the case of a death that occurs at the family home, positive identification occurs when our staff arrives at the residence.
Five: Check & Balances
Two individuals—a cremation technician and a licensed funeral director—will review all cremation paperwork and permits. This is to ensure authorizations and permits have been received and have been properly documented. Once all documentation is verified, both staff members must sign the cremation order prior to the cremation. The cremation process will not begin until all documentation is verified.
Six: Cremation log book
Immediately prior to the cremation process, your loved one is taken to the crematory by a licensed funeral director. Upon arrival, their personal identification is noted in the cremation log. This log shows the name of the individual, date and time of the cremation, identification number, retort number, crematory operator’s initials, funeral home name, and licensed funeral directors name. The crematory log is dated and the start time is noted and initialed by a cremation technician before and after the cremation.
Seven: Details during the cremation
The crematory checklist and identification card are placed on the outside of the cremation chamber during the cremation process.
Eight: Details after the cremation
After the cremation is complete, every effort is made to retrieve all recoverable remains. The cremated remains are then carefully processed and placed into a temporary container that is fully labeled and suitable for transportation. If you purchased an um from us, we will at no charge transfer the ashes into it and seal it in the appropriate manner.
Nine: Return of the cremated remains
Our staff will notify you to schedule a time for receipt of the cremated remains. At the funeral home, we can provide a dignified setting in which to receive the cremated remains, where you may spend a few moments privately in quiet reflection. We would be pleased to schedule an appointment for you to do so.
Ten: Celebration of Life
We can assist in planning a funeral service, either before or after the cremation, to celebrate the life of your loved one. A meaningful ceremony provides an opportunity for family and friends to pay tribute to your loved one and share the memories of a lifetime.