
Total Obituaries: 151 Page 7 of 16

Joaquim Pires Obituary

- December 6, 2021
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Joaquim passed away on Monday, December 6, 2021. Joaquim was a resident of New York, New York.

Dorothy Zullo Obituary

- November 22, 2021
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On behalf of my beloved grandma Dorothy Zullo, who passed on the morning of November 22nd, 2021. She was well loved and received throughout the community always dressed to the nines. Her generosity, and upbeat personality truly marked her charisma as one of a kind. She will be honored as a legacy throughout the Greenwich village neighborhood. Much thanks and appreciation for all your condolences!

Francisca Healy Obituary

- November 10, 2021
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Francisca Healy passed away after a long struggle with her health on November 10, 2021. She was born on January 15, 1926, and was predeceased by her husband of nearly 70 years, Francis X. Healy last year; and her son, retired NYC Police Officer Francis Joseph Healy; and is survived by her beloved sons Michel Landron and Dennis Healy; two grandsons, Michael and Ryan Landron; nieces Kathleen DiAngel

Anthony (Tony) Antoniazzi Obituary

- November 2, 2021
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Anthony "Tony" Antoniazzi passed away suddenly in Media, PA, on November 2nd at the age of 72. A native of Greenwich Village, he was a U.S. Navy veteran, a graduate of Pace University, had careers with the PATH railway system, AVIS, and Dollar Rental Companies, and was most recently with The Home Depot. He was predeceased by his father, John Antoniazzi, and his mother, Anna Antoniazzi. He is survi

Ronald J.F. Yee Obituary

- October 29, 2021
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It is with great sadness that the family of Ronald J .F. Yee announces his passing on October 29, 2021 following a sudden onset and brief struggle with an ultimately fatal condition at the age of 64. A lifelong Woodside resident, Ron was born April 4, 1957, an only child of the late Walter and Betty Yee, and was survived by his wife Lily of 37 years, as well as by many nieces, nephews and cousins.

Linda Assali Obituary

- September 26, 2021
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It is with great sadness that the family of Linda Assali announces her passing on Sunday September 26, 2021, after a long illness. She was 69 years old. She was born in NYC and raised in Greenwich Village. She relocated to Nashville TN more than 25 years ago and spent most of her career with Bankers Trust / Deutsche Bank. She was an avid reader and collected every book written about Jacqueline

Mrs. Frances Illuzzi Obituary

- August 3, 2021
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FRANCES ILLUZZI (BAVARO) Born in Giovinazzo (Bari) Italy on Jan. 31, 1934. Longtime resident of Greenwich Village. Distinguished parishioner of Our Lady of Pompeii, where she served as Eucharistic minister, lector and member of the choir. Devoted wife of 54 years to Pasquale (deceased). Loving mother to Vincent (and Stephanie), Angelo (and Ellen), Joseph (and Hanna), Frances (and Marc Kessler). Ad

Mrs. Frances Dapolito Obituary

- July 28, 2021
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Mrs. Dapolito passed away on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Mrs. Dapolito was a resident of New York, New York at the time of passing.

Josephine DeCicco Obituary

- June 20, 2021
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Josephine DeCicco 1920-2021 Josie was the quintessential New Yorker. Born in 1920, she spent her entire life living in her beloved Greenwich Village neighborhood. Josie was part of the first class to graduate from St. Anthony Elementary school and went on to Washington Irving H.S. Three months after graduation she received a job offer from Bergdorf Goodman to join her sister Mary as a seamstre

Mary Blue Obituary

- June 6, 2021
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Mary Blue passed away on Sunday, June 6, 2021. A lifelong resident of Greenwich Village, she was the daughter of the late Robert and Mildred Blue. Mary was a communicant of St. Anthony of Padua Church, to which she held deeply religious beliefs and lived through her faith every day. A true lover of animals, she was a generous supporter of many organizations and devoted to their protection and c